Unable to Edit a Page with Rich Text Editor Due to 'Unable to render content due to system error null'
The UI displays the following when accessing through to the Rich Text editor of the problematic page.
Unable to render content due to system error: null
The logs contain:
2009-03-20 16:48:41,702 ERROR http-8080-1 atlassian.renderer.v2.V2Renderer render Unable to render content due to system error: null
There are multiple causes for the root of this problem, including but not limited to the linking and content formatting macros. If this is seen in conjunction with JIRA then there is a confirmed bug with the AppsLink Plugin. One known cause is fixed in APL-12.
Follow Editing or Deleting a Page That Won't Render to identify the exact macro that is the culprit, then refer to the plugin's issue tracker.
Last modified on Mar 30, 2016
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