System Error Uploading Profile Picture
When uploading a profile picture, the following appears in Confluence:
System Error
A system error has occurred - our apologies\!
Please contact your Confluence administrator to create a support issue on our support system at [] with the following information:
a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it occurred
cut & paste the error and system information found below
attach the application server log file (if possible).
We will respond as promptly as possible.
Thank you\!
java.lang.RuntimeException: There was a problem retrieving the previous version of the Attachment data for Attachment 'Attachment: null v.1 (179667215)'.
at com.atlassian.confluence.pages.persistence.dao.hibernate.HibernateAttachmentDataDao.saveDataForAttachmentVersion(
caused by: com.atlassian.confluence.pages.AttachmentDataNotFoundException: No AttachmentData object was returned when it was expected
at com.atlassian.confluence.pages.persistence.dao.hibernate.HibernateAttachmentDataDao.getAttachmentDataForAttachment(
Stack Trace: [hide\]
java.lang.RuntimeException: There was a problem retrieving the previous version of the Attachment data for Attachment 'Attachment: null v.1 (179667215)'.
at com.atlassian.confluence.pages.persistence.dao.hibernate.HibernateAttachmentDataDao.saveDataForAttachmentVersion(
at com.atlassian.confluence.pages.persistence.dao.hibernate.AbstractHibernateAttachmentDao.saveNewAttachmentVersion(
at com.atlassian.confluence.pages.DefaultAttachmentManager.saveNewAttachmentVersion(
at com.atlassian.confluence.pages.AbstractAttachmentManager.saveAttachment(
at com.atlassian.confluence.pages.DelegatorAttachmentManager.saveAttachment(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1705.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
There was a problem retrieving the previous version of the Attachment data.
Always backup your data before performing any modifications to the database.
List the affected profile pictures:
SELECT * from attachments where TITLE='<profile picture>' and CREATOR='<user>' and ATTACHMENT_COMMENT='Uploaded Profile Picture';
Remove the record from the database:
DELETE FROM attachments where ATTACHMENTID='<attachmentid>';
Last modified on Mar 30, 2016
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