Spaces are not Being Displayed on Dashboard or in Spaces Directory
Spaces are not being displayed in either the Dash Board List of spaces or in the Space directory
This can occur on an upgrade of the 3.5.x series to 4.3. When the problem occurs, you are able to create new spaces and they show up in the appropriate places.
Part of the migration task did not run. 4.3.x adds the column "spacestatus" to the "spaces" table. The entry in this Column for each space is "NULL" or Blank and it needs to be "CURRENT"
Verify that this is the case for you instance by performing the following sql query
SELECT * FROM spaces;
If you have a Null Value in your Space Status Column, you are affected by this issue
Run the following query to set all spaces to space status CURRENT
UPDATE spaces
SET spacestatus = 'CURRENT';