Resolving PbP S2C migration failures due to excessive custom field character limits

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During PbP S2C migrations, certain migrations fail due to DataAccessException errors, specifically com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.impl.FieldValidationException related to custom fields exceeding character limits. This article addresses the steps to diagnose and resolve these issues to ensure a successful migration.


  • Jira 7.6 and higher

  • All JCMA versions


To diagnose this problem, check the migration logs for errors similar to the following:

  • DataAccessException: com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.impl.FieldValidationException: Bug Url can't exceed 255 characters

  • DataAccessException: com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.impl.FieldValidationException: The entered text is too long. It exceeds the allowed limit of 32,767 characters

These errors indicate that the migration process has encountered custom fields with values exceeding permissible character limits, leading to incomplete migrations.


The root cause of this issue is the migration process encountering custom fields where the data exceeds the set character limits (255 for specific fields like Bug Url and 32,767 for general text fields). This can occur due to extensive customization allowed in server versions or during the user mapping process in migrations.


Issues with FieldValidationException due to custom field values exceeding character limits during PbP S2C migrations will now be mitigated and Jira will automatically trim any custom field values that exceed their maximum allowed character limits during the migration process.

Last modified on Jun 10, 2024

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