People Directory Empty or not Displaying the Proper Number of People due to Users that have been Deleted from LDAP
People directory appears to be missing, or the number of users displayed is not consistent. For example the first page returns 20 users, but the next page returns 50, and the next one after that is also 50.
The users appear to be there, for example you search for one of your users and it is returned as expected.
Your user management is not managed within confluence, i.e. you have integrated with LDAP, or delegated to Jira, or using some external management system such as crowd. Also recently (or at some time) you have deleted users from this external management system that once existed in confluence.
Users that have used confluence will create a USERINFO row in the CONTENT table. These rows are searched to populate the people directory. However if they have been removed via the external user management, they are not found and confluence will return blank for that user. If a number of such users are deleted then confluence will return a blank page, as it displays the first 50 users, but these 50 users no longer exist.
You need to delete these USERINFO rows for each of the deleted users. Please see CONF-11467 for full explanation and steps to resolve the problem.