New User Unable to log in into Confluence
- User can log into Jira and Stash, but not Confluence.
- User get invalid username/password. error when they try to log in into Confluence.
Crowd Authenticator is enable instead of Default Confluence Authenticator as you can see below:
Disable the Crowd Authenticator and enable Default Confluence Aunthenticator
- Shutdown your Confluence
- Go to <confluence-installation>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes
- You will see seraph-config.xml and open the file
- Find the below line and change it:
- To Enable Default Confluence Aunthenticator
<!-- Default Confluence authenticator, which uses the configured user management for authentication. --> change it to <!-- Default Confluence authenticator, which uses the configured user management for authentication. --> |
To Disable Crowd Authenticator
<!-- Authenticator with support for Crowd single-sign on (SSO). -->
<authenticator class="com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceCrowdSSOAuthenticator"/>change it to
<!-- Authenticator with support for Crowd single-sign on (SSO). -->
<!-- <authenticator class="com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceCrowdSSOAuthenticator"/> -->Restart Confluence