Loading the Space Admin for a Large Space is Very Slow

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  1. The Space Admin page for a large space with thousands of pages is slow to load.
  2. Spaces with fewer pages are not having this issue.


The editspace.action calls getPages() in order to populate the drop down to set the home page of the space. In large spaces, the getPage() call can have a significant performance impact, causing load times for that page to take several seconds.


There is a patch attached to this article that will remove the getPages() call from the editspace.action. Please be aware that this patch will break the dropdown menu for selecting a home page in the space. It will still be possible to set the home page using the storeSpace() function in the Remote API.

To install the patch:

  1. Download EditSpaceEntryAction.java.
  2. Create the following directory and place the patch there:
  3. Restart Confluence.

Last modified on Feb 26, 2016

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