HTML table in user macro not respecting inline style
Inline styling for HTML tables is not being respected. It is actually being stripped out and replaced with the following:
<table width="100%">
<tr valign="middle">
<td width="34">
<ac:image><ri:attachment ri:filename="$paramicon" /></ac:image>
<div class="tabletitle">$paramheading</div>
It is then processed into:
<table class="confluenceTable">
<td class="confluenceTd">
<img class="confluence-embedded-image" src="<path_to_attachment>" data-image-src="<path_to_attachment>">
<td class="confluenceTd">
<div class="tabletitle">Boosh</div>
We can get the styling we want by injecting style directly into the user macro. This will give us the handles we need to affect styling that will not be stripped out when the macro is rendered.
<style type="text/css">
table.wide_table{width: 100%;}
table.wide_table .image_cell{width: 34px;}
<table class="wide_table">
<td class="image_cell">
<img class="confluence-embedded-image" src="<path_to_attachment>" data-image-src="<path_to_attachment>">
<div class="tabletitle">Boosh</div>
Last modified on Mar 30, 2016
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