How To View the Attachment Editing History

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You can run the following query against your database:

SELECT s.SPACENAME AS "Space Name",  a.PAGEID, a.TITLE AS "File Name", a.ATTVERSION AS "Version", a.PAGEID, um.username AS "Modified BY", a.lastmoddate AS "Modified Date" FROM attachments a JOIN content c ON a.PAGEID = c.CONTENTID  JOIN spaces s ON c.SPACEID = s.SPACEID  JOIN user_mapping um ON a.lastmodifier  = um.user_key ORDER BY a.ATTVERSION DESC;

A user would like to view the history of an attachment such as when the attachment was modified, who modified it, and in which page the modified attachment is located.  There is currently no function/feature for user to view history of the attachment in Confluence.


Last modified on Feb 19, 2016

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