How to List Favourites for a Specific User with SQL Queries
You'd like to check a user's favourites in your Confluence database. The following queries will help you find favourites for a specific user.
Instructions for Confluence 5.2+
Execute the query below to get the ID for the "favourite" label of the user in question. Be sure to replace <name_of_user> with the actual username.
SELECT l.labelid,, u.username FROM label l join user_mapping u on l.owner = u.user_key WHERE name like 'favourite' and u.username = '<name_of_user>';
Using the label ID returned by the query above, execute the next query. Be sure to replace <labelid_from_first_query> with the actual label ID.
SELECT u.username,, c.contenttype, c.title FROM label l, content_label t, content c, user_mapping u WHERE l.labelid=t.labelid AND t.contentid=c.contentid AND t.owner = u.user_key AND t.labelid=<labelid_from_first_query>;
Instructions for Confluence up to version 5.1
Execute the query below to get the ID for the "favourite" label of the user in question. Be sure to replace <name of the user> with the actual username.
SELECT labelid, name, owner FROM label WHERE name like 'favourite' AND owner like '<name of the user>';
Using the label ID returned by the query above, execute the next query. Be sure to replace <labelid of the first query> with the actual label ID.
SELECT t.owner,, c.contenttype, c.title FROM label l, content_label t, content c WHERE l.labelid=t.labelid AND t.contentid=c.contentid AND t.labelid=<labelid of the first query>;