How to get assigned tasks and created tasks of user from database
Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
For users, they can check the list of task assigned or created by themselves from User Profile > Task page. However, admin will not be able check what is all the task assigned or created by a specific user. The purpose of this KB is to get all the task assigned to specific user or task that created by specific user from the database.
To get a list of task assigned to a specific user, admin can run the following query in the database.
select * from "AO_BAF3AA_AOINLINE_TASK" task JOIN USER_MAPPING um ON task."ASSIGNEE_USER_KEY" = um.user_key where um.lower_username = '<lower_username>';
select * from AO_BAF3AA_AOINLINE_TASK task INNER JOIN user_mapping um where task.ASSIGNEE_USER_KEY = um.user_key and um.lower_username ='<lower_username>';
Replace the <lower_username> to username of user that you trying to check.
To get a list of task created by specific user, admin can run the following query in the database:
select * from "AO_BAF3AA_AOINLINE_TASK" task JOIN USER_MAPPING um ON task."CREATOR_USER_KEY" = um.user_key where um.lower_username = '<lower_username>';
select * from AO_BAF3AA_AOINLINE_TASK task INNER JOIN user_mapping um where task.CREATOR_USER_KEY =um.user_key and um.lower_username ='<lower_username>';
Replace the <lower_username> to username of user that you trying to check.