Error on Page When the Wiki Markup Contains Links Similar to Dates
You are unable to view or edit a page. Errors like the following show up in the logs:
ERROR [http-7709-1\] [atlassian.renderer.v2.V2Renderer\] render Unable to render content due to system error: For input string: "28 FIMAC COOR Team Meeting Minutes - September 28, 2010"
-- url:xxxxxxxxx \| page: 18056451 \| userName: xxxxx \| referer: xxxxxxx/confluence/dashboard.action \| action: viewpage
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "28 FIMAC COOR Team Meeting Minutes - September 28, 2010"
ERROR [http-8080-Processor7\] [atlassian.renderer.v2.V2Renderer\] render Unable to render content due to system error: For input string: "08test"
-- url: /pages/doeditpage.action \| userName: admin \| action: doeditpage \| page: 1114133
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "08test"
There's an invalid link in a page, which causes an UnexpectedRollbackException. An example of this is the following:
Edit the page through the URL. See Cannot edit page: Editing or Deleting a Page That Won't Render for details.
Last modified on Mar 30, 2016
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