Is Displayed Below The Page Title After Upgrade
When viewing a page in Confluence, the page details such as Creator, Last Modifier, and the time is not displayed in the page. This happens after a system upgrade.
The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log
2015-03-23 07:37:30,628 ERROR [main] [atlassian.plugin.loaders.ScanningPluginLoader] deployPluginFromUnit Because of the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The artifact URI file:/path/plugins-cache/1360361403000upload_21a04b2d_13a27c773f4__7f91_00013055.tmp is not a valid plugin artifact
Diagnostic Steps
- Ensure that there are no customisations in the site (e.g: Layouts, Custom HTML, Stylesheet, modified files)
- In testing environment, try to TRUNCATE the DECORATOR table (resolution of (Archived) Confluence 5 global navigation bar gone article)
In testing environment, run the following query and restart the instance to see if the issue is caused by any disabled plugins:
update bandana set bandanavalue = '<map/>' where bandanakey='plugin.manager.state.Map';
Clear plugin cache, Clear the content of temp directory located in both Confluence Home and Confluence Installation path, Clear the content of work directory located in Confluence Installation path
- Hook another fresh vanilla Confluence Installation Directory to your existing Confluence Home Directory and see if the problem persists with a fresh Confluence Installation Directory
The problem seems to be a corrupted Installation Directory. This might be due to the files modified in Installation Directory
- Stop the current Confluence instance, download and set a new Confluence Installation Directory (same version) to point at the existing Home Directory
- If the issue persists, please contact to assist you on this case