Cannot Change Specific Space to Become the Site Homepage With the Error Message: "The abc space must be accessible to the confluence-users group (or anonymous view permissions must be granted) in order to be set as the Site Homepage."
Platform Notice: Cloud and Data Center - This article applies equally to both cloud and data center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
When changing the site homepage using the directions from Configuring the Site Home Page, the error below pops up
"The SPACENAME space must be accessible to the confluence-users group (or anonymous view permissions must be granted) in order to be set as the Site Homepage."
The error message above pops up because the space does not have the group "confluence-users", or anonymous, in the view permission
As specified in Configuring the Site Home Page
Configuring the Site Home Page
"The spaces available to set as the site home page will depend on the access permissions of the space and the site.
- The site home page must be accessible to the 'confluence-users' or 'users' group.
- If the site allows anonymous access, the site home page must also be accessible to anonymous users, that is, people who have not logged in to Confluence."
Which means the space that would be set as the Site Home Page should either have an anonymous access, or has "confluence-users" group as one of the groups that has a "view" permission
This behavior is set by design. A few users, more prominent in Confluence OnDemand are affected by this and being tracked by the bug reports below:
- CONF-27791 - Getting issue details... STATUS and
- CONF-26302 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Which both are closed as "won't fix" as it is minor issue.
Manually create a group called "confluence-users" and grant it View permission for that space. There doesn't need to be anyone actually in the group, it just needs to be granted View permission.
- If there is no "confluence-users" group in Confluence present, manually create the group in Groups page from Confluence Admin (See: Confluence Groups).
- Add "confluence-users" as one of the group with 'view' ability in the space in mention
- Go to this space > Space Tools > Permissions > under 'Groups', add 'confluence-users' > Click 'add' > Give this group 'view' permission
- Try to set this space as the dashboard again