Aw Snap errors in Google Chrome
When using Google Chrome, you may recieve the "Aw, Snap!" error message. This may occur with few or a high number of tabs open, and any tabs accessing your Confluence instance will display this error.
Working with affected customers, we've narrowed down the common elements to the following:
- We've observed problems in Confluence 5.5.3 and higher, as far forward as Confluence 5.7.3
- The browser version is v42.0.2311.135 m, running on Windows.
- Each of the affected customers was running the Confluence Chat Plugin or Gliffy
The cause is unknown at this time. We have raised an issue with the plugin developer.
If you run into this problem, we'd love to hear from you with the following information:
- How many tabs are open?
- What Confluence version are you using?
- How many users are online at the same time?
Alternative Cause
For customers who are not running Confluence Chat, they may be having problems with Gliffy and Chrome 45. Gliffy have documented the problem, and believe it is caused by a Chrome bug; resolved in Chrome 47. You can Use Chrome Beta or Canary versions temporarily.
- Disable the Confluence Chat plugin
- Make use of another browser, such as Firefox or Internet Explorer