Attachments with German Umlauts are Not Displayed When Using the Powerpoint Macro

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The following error appears in Confluence pages:

The issue ONLY occurs when the attachment name contains a German umlaut character. 

When trying to add/select a File Name from Insert 'Office Powerpoint' macro window setting, you can see both the correct attachment name and one that is not, as in this screen shot:

The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log:

2012-09-24 10:56:36,170 ERROR [TP-Processor14] [xhtml.view.macro.ViewMacroMarshaller] marshal Exception executing macro: viewppt, with message: The viewfile macro is unable to locate the attachment "JSF Einf??hrung.ppt" on this page
 -- url: /confluence/display/~admin/Test+Anhang+mit+Umlauten | page: 655365 | userName: admin | referer: http://atlassian/confluence/pages/editpage.action?pageId=655365 | action: viewpage


To avoid problems with character encoding, make sure that UTF-8 encoding is used across these components in your environment:

If the problem persists even after ensuring that UTF-8 is applied across the above components, you most probably have a misconfiguration in your proxy setting. To check this, access Confluence directly via <localhost/IP>:<http-connector-port> (e.g., localhost:8090), update the Base URL setting in Confluence Admin > General Configuration to reflect the new URL, and check if the same issue still occurs.


There is a misconfiguration in the proxy configuration.


  • You can apply the UTF-8 URIEncoding parameter to the AJP connector if you are using mod_jk, and add the following option to your Apache mod_jk configuration:

    <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>
    JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed
  • If the problem persists, configure Confluence to use mod_proxy instead of mod_jk


Proxy configuration falls outside the scope of Atlassian Support. Atlassian will support Confluence with this configuration, but we cannot guarantee help in debugging problems with your proxy.

Last modified on Nov 15, 2018

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