Attachments with German Umlauts are Not Displayed When Using the Powerpoint Macro
The following error appears in Confluence pages:
The issue ONLY occurs when the attachment name contains a German umlaut character.
When trying to add/select a File Name from Insert 'Office Powerpoint' macro window setting, you can see both the correct attachment name and one that is not, as in this screen shot:
The following appears in the atlassian-confluence.log
2012-09-24 10:56:36,170 ERROR [TP-Processor14] [xhtml.view.macro.ViewMacroMarshaller] marshal Exception executing macro: viewppt, with message: The viewfile macro is unable to locate the attachment "JSF Einf??hrung.ppt" on this page
-- url: /confluence/display/~admin/Test+Anhang+mit+Umlauten | page: 655365 | userName: admin | referer: http://atlassian/confluence/pages/editpage.action?pageId=655365 | action: viewpage
To avoid problems with character encoding, make sure that UTF-8 encoding is used across these components in your environment:
If the problem persists even after ensuring that UTF-8 is applied across the above components, you most probably have a misconfiguration in your proxy setting. To check this, access Confluence directly via <localhost/IP>:<http-connector-port> (e.g., localhost:8090), update the Base URL setting in Confluence Admin > General Configuration to reflect the new URL, and check if the same issue still occurs.
There is a misconfiguration in the proxy configuration.
You can apply the UTF-8 URIEncoding parameter to the AJP connector if you are using mod_jk, and add the following option to your Apache mod_jk configuration:
<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" URIEncoding="UTF-8"/> JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed
- If the problem persists, configure Confluence to use mod_proxy instead of mod_jk
Proxy configuration falls outside the scope of Atlassian Support. Atlassian will support Confluence with this configuration, but we cannot guarantee help in debugging problems with your proxy.