Recognized System Properties

Configuring System Properties

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Confluence supports some configuration and debugging settings that can be enabled through Java system properties. System properties are usually set by passing the -D flag to the Java virtual machine in which Confluence is running. See the full instructionsConfiguring System Properties.


Default Value





By default, Confluence will only run its database schema update when it detects that it has been upgraded. This flag will force Confluence to perform the schema update on system startup.



Any filesystem path

If this system property is set, Confluence will ignore the contents of the file, and use this property as the setting for the Confluence Home directory.



Enables additional debugging options that may be of use to Confluence developers (additionally it changes spring bean creation to use lazy initialization by default to decrease startup time). Do not enable this flag on a production system.




If set to "true", will prevent Confluence from retrieving mail for archiving within spaces. Manually triggering "check for new mail" via the web UI will still work. This property has no effect on outgoing mail




Setting this property will cause Confluence to reload its i18n resource bundles every time an internationalized string is looked up. This can be useful when testing translations, but will make Confluence run insanely slowly.




Confluence will normally log a severe error message if it detects that DEBUG level logging is enabled (as DEBUG logging generally causes a significant degradation in system performance). Setting this property will suppress the error message.




If set to "true", will disable Confluence's JMX monitoring. This has the same effect as setting the "enabled" property to false in WEB-INF/classes/jmxContext.xml




Number of index queue flushes before the index is optimized.

This property was removed in Confluence 5.2 when optimize index was removed. 




Starts confluence without bundled plugins. May be useful in a development environment to make Confluence start quicker, but since bundled plugins are necessary for some of Confluence's core functionality, this property should not be set on a production system.


When a file is uploaded, its text is extracted and indexed. This allows people to search for the content of a file, not just the filename.

If the amount of content extracted from the file exceeds the limit set by this property (default is 1MB, in bytes), the file's contents will still be indexed and searchable, but will not appear when the file is returned in search results. Increasing this limit may make displaying search results slower. See Configuring Attachment Size for more info.




Disables mail fetching services for IMAP and POP




Disables sending of mail




Setting this property will disable conditional get and expires: headers on some web resources. This will significantly slow down the user experience, but is useful in devlopment if you are frequently changing static resources and don't want to continually flush your browser cache.



Setting this property forces the antixss encoding on or off, overriding the behavior dictated by settings. The default behavior differs between Confluence versions.




Comma-separated list of package names to provide from application for OSGi plugins. Typically required when profiling Confluence. For example: "com.jprofiler.,com.yourkit.".




Maximum number of concurrent diffs. When that number is exceeded, additional attempts by RSS feeds to create diffs are ignored and logged. (The RSS requests succeed, they are just missing diffs).




Number of milliseconds to wait for a diff operation (comparing two page versions) to complete before aborting with an error message.

Number of milliseconds to wait for a diff operation (comparing two page versions) to complete before aborting with an error message.



Setting this property changes the relationship between local users and local groups to reduce performance degradation when adding a local user to a local group with a large number of users. Please note, setting this property can slow down other user management functions. We recommend that you set it only if you are experiencing performance problems when adding local users to large local groups. Please refer to CONF-12319, fixed in Confluence 3.1.1.




Setting this property changes Confluence to use the Experimental XML Importer. It is designed to be a more stable implementation but, at the time of the release of 3.2, the importer is largely untested and thus not supported.




Disables automatic minification of JavaScript and CSS resources served by Confluence.



See "Effect"

Sets the number of threads to be used for the reindex job. The value has to be in the range of 1 to 50 (inclusive), i.e. at least one thread but no more than 50 threads will be used. There is no default value, i.e.

  • If you don't set index.queue.thread.count, the number of threads to be used are calculated based on the number of objects that need to be reindexed and the number of processors available (a maximum of 50 threads will be used).
  • If you set index.queue.thread.count=2, then two threads will be used to reindex the content (regardless of the number of objects to be reindexed or the number of processors available)
  • If you set index.queue.thread.count=200, then ten threads (the maximum allowed) will be used to reindex the content.

Note: For Confluence versions from 3.3 to 5.6 the maximum threads is 10.




Size of batches used by the indexer. Reducing this value will reduce the load that the indexer puts on the system, but indexing takes longer. Increasing this value will cause indexing to be completed faster, but puts a higher load on the system. Normally this setting does not need tuning.




This property disables the password confirmation functionality that Confluence uses as an additional security measure. With this property set, Confluence will not require password confirmation for the following actions: administrative actions, change of email address and Captcha for failed logins. Disabling password confirmations is useful if you are using a custom authenticator.




Setting this property to "false" disables the detection of browser language headers, effectively restoring Confluence behavior to that of earlier releases. Setting this property to "true" enables the detection of the language headers sent by the browser. Confluence will change the UI language based on the browser headers. See documentation on how users can choose a language preference.


Universal Plugin Manager 1.5


When this property is set to true, then UPM will not try to access the The Atlassian Marketplace. This is useful for application servers that do not have access to the Internet. See the UPM documentation.



Indicates how many objects each indexing thread should process at a time during a full re-index. Please note that this number does not include attachments. .pop



Indicates how many attachments each indexing thread should process at a time during a full re-index.



Forces Confluence to treat any LDAP directories it migrates as Active Directory, rather than relying on looking for sAMAccountName in the username attribute. This is necessary if you are upgrading from before Confluence 3.5, and need to use an attribute other than sAMAccountName to identify your users and are seeing LDAP: error code 4 - Sizelimit Exceeded exceptions in your logs. For more details, see Unable to Log In with Confluence 3.5 or Later Due to 'LDAP error code 4 - Sizelimit Exceeded'

Disables batching for web resources in contexts (e.g. editor, main, admin). Useful for diagnosing the source of javascript or CSS errors.



Disables the session invalidation on log out. As of 4.0 the default behavior is to invalidate the JSession assigned to a client when they log out. If this is set to true the session is kept active (but the user logged out). This may be valuable when using external authentication systems, but should generally not be needed.

4.0.52097152 Indicates the maximum size in bytes of an Excel file that can be viewed using the viewxls macro. If empty, the maximum size defaults to 2Mb. See CONF-21043 for more details.

200Specifies the maximum number of events per calendar. This property is effective only if the Team Calendars plugin is installed on your Confluence site.
4.3.2falseAllows Confluence to start up against the home directory of a newer version of Confluence. Note that running Confluence like that is unsupported. You should only turn this on if you know what you are doing. See After Downgrading, Confluence Will No Longer Run for details.


Generally a full reindex is not required when upgrading Confluence, but there may be some occasions where an upgrade task will kick-off the reindex process.

Set this property to true, to skip rebuilding the search index when Confluence is upgraded. This can be useful if you have a very large site and wish to delay rebuilding the index until a time after the upgrade is complete.


Sets the number of threads to be used for a one-off reindex job. The value has to be in the range of 1 to 50 (inclusive), i.e. at least one thread but no more than 50 threads will be used. This system property does not affect the incremental indexing that Confluence does.

From Confluence 7.14 the default value of this property is calculated based on either the number of available CPUs or free memory, whichever is lower.


Sets the number of concurrent threads to be used when reindexing attachments, and allows you to reduce the concurrency for these more memory intensive index items.

From Confluence 7.14 the default value of this property is calculated based on either the number of available CPUs or free memory, whichever is lower. Minimum 4 threads. 

5.250This property limits the number of images that are included when you export a Confluence page to Word. When you export a page with many large images images to Word, all the images are loaded into memory, which can then cause out of memory errors affecting your entire Confluence site. You can temporarily increase this limit, using this system property, if you need to export a page with lots of images.
Setting this property defines the directory on your Confluence Server where mailboxes can be imported from (for use with the Confluence Mail Archiving system app). Mailboxes are not able to be imported from any other location. We recommend administrators create a directory in the Confluence Home directory specifically for this purpose. Mail cannot be imported from the server until this system property is set.
5.51000Setting this property changes the maximum number of items Confluence Search will return.
5.5trueBy default, Confluence creates an upgrade recovery file before and after an upgrade. The operation can take long time on large databases and can be safely turned off if there is a process to back up database and verify the backup before performing an upgrade. Setting this property to false will disable upgrade recovery file creation.
Setting this property defines the directory on your Confluence Server where JUnit Reports can be imported from (for use in the JUnit Report Macro). No other locations are permitted. We recommend administrators create a directory in the Confluence Home directory specifically for this purpose. JUnit Test result files cannot be imported from the server until this system property is set.

When a file is uploaded, its text is extracted and indexed. This allows people to search for the content of a file, not just the filename.

Confluence will only extract content from a Word document up to the limit set by this property (defaults to 16MB, in bytes), before proceeding to index it. This will mean that only part of file's contents are searchable. The check uses the uncompressed file size, not the compressed size on disk in the case of .docx files.

See Configuring Attachment Size for more info.



In a cluster, setting this property to True will enable the 'Remember Me' checkbox on the login page. This is not recommended in a cluster, and is disabled by default (i.e. 'Remember me' is always on and users can move seamlessly between nodes).

This system property has no effect in standalone Confluence.


In a cluster, this property can be used to override the default port that Hazelcast will bind to, for example, if the port is unavailable, or you need to run more than one node on the same host (not recommended). It defaults to 5801.

The number of threads allocated to the file conversion service is calculated dynamically based on the amount of memory assigned to the instance and the number of CPU cores (usually 4 to 6 threads). This property can be used to change the number of threads. Decrease threads to resolve OOME issues, increase threads to resolve problems with documents spending too long in the queue.
5.71000Set this property to change the maximum number of items that can be queued for conversion. Any file conversion requests that are made when this maximum limit has been reached are aborted.
Set this property to give each node in your Data Center cluster a human readable name (displayed in email notifications and in the footer). If left unset, Confluence will assign a node identifier to each node.

Set this property to define a directory where you can add additional fonts to be used when rendering files (in previews and thumbnails).

This is useful if you need to support previewing files with specific fonts, or fonts with multibtye characters (such as Japanese).


Set this property to change the default font for rendering Word ( .doc and .docx ) files in Confluence.

Specify just the name of the font  (not the path) .


Set this property to change the default font for rendering regular fonts in Powerpoint ( .ppt and .pptx ) files in Confluence.

Specify just the name of the font (not the path) .


Set this property to change the default font for rendering asian fonts in Powerpoint ( .ppt and .pptx ) files in Confluence.

Specify just the name of the font  (not the path) .


Set this property to change the default font for rendering symbols in Powerpoint ( .ppt and .pptx ) files in Confluence.

This is the font that will be used for bullets and other symbols when the font Symbol is not found.

Specify just the name of the font  (not the path) .
5.8.15falseSecurity features prevent Confluence from being embedded in an <iframe> . To disable this protection, set this property to true which will allow Confluence to be embedded in an <iframe> .
5.9.110In Confluence Data Center, t he amount of time, in seconds, that a confluence node needing index recovery will wait for another node to offer an index snapshot, before it gives up and stops attempting to recover the index.
5.9.1120In Confluence Data Center, the amount of time, in seconds, that a confluence node needing index recovery will wait for an index snapshot to be created by another node, before it gives up and and stops attempting to recover the index.
5.9.11In Confluence Data Center, the number of times that a node needing index recovery will attempt to recover its index. Set this property to 0 to disable index recovery on that node (for example, when you want to force a node to automatically rebuild its own index on startup).
5.9.11024Sets the memory (in megabytes) available to the Office Connector Canary process, which is a workaround for a known issue with the Import from Word option. See JVM crashes during Import from Word in Confluence for more information.
5.9.1120000Sets the maximum timeout (in milliseconds) for the Office Connector Canary process, which is a workaround for a known issue with the Import from Word option. See JVM crashes during Import from Word in Confluence for more information.
5.9.5300Set this property to increase the default time to wait for plugins to start up. This is useful if you have problems with plugins not starting up in time, causing Confluence to fail to start.
5.9.730In Confluence Data Center, this sets how long (in seconds) a node can be out of communication with the cluster before it's removed from the cluster. See balancing uptime and data integrity  for more info on when you may want to change this setting.
Set this property to true if you repeatedly experience issues with Confluence creating a new page version as it attempts to migrate pages containing unmigrated wiki-markup macros each time a plugin is install or updated. See CONF-37710 - Getting issue details... STATUS for more details.

In Confluence Data Center, this is the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the cluster safety job will wait to allow the nodes to rejoin after a split brain is detected. If the node still can't find the cluster safety number in the cache after this time, the node will panic.

6.0.02000This is the maximum number of pages that can be copied when you copy a page and its child pages. Increase this if you need to copy a page with more than the default number of child pages.
6.0.010This is the number of pages copied in each batch when you copy a page and its children. Increase or reduce this number if you experience problems copying a page with many child pages.
synchrony.port (formerly known as reza.port)

This is the port that Synchrony, the service that powers collaborative editing, runs on. You should only need to change this if port 8091 is not available. From 6.0.4, Confluence Server will accept either reza.port or synchrony.port.

synchrony.memory.max (formerly reza.memory.max)

This is the maximum heap size (Xmx) allocated to Synchrony, the service that powers collaborative editing. Change this value if you need to increase or decrease the heap size. From 6.0.4, Confluence Server will accept either reza.memory.max or synchrony.memory.max.  

The default value of this property was increased to 2 gigabytes in 7.10.0.

This sets the stack size (Xss) of the Synchrony JVM. Increase if you experience stack overflow errors, or decrease if you experience out of memory errors from Synchrony.

This property only applies when Synchrony is managed by Confluence.

6.0.0TrueXML HTTP Request (XHR) fallback allows a user, who cannot connect to Synchrony via a WebSocket, to use the Confluence Editor. From Confluence 6.1 this is enabled by default, and only used when a WebSocket connection is not available. You should not need to disable this, unless directed by our support team.
6.0.0TrueVerifies the connection to the database is valid at every connection checkin. Atlassian Support may suggest you set this property to False if you experience performance issues in sites that have very frequent page edits.

By default, Confluence uses an internal proxy to communicate between the Confluence JVM and Synchrony JVM. See Administering Collaborative Editing for more information.

In Confluence 6.0, set this property to true to manually enable the internal proxy (useful if you have configured a reverse proxy and want to also use the internal Synchrony proxy).

In Confluence 6.1 or later it should not be necessary to use this system property, as Confluence intelligently determines when to use the proxy.

This property only applies when Synchrony is managed by Confluence. It has no effect on a Synchrony standalone cluster.

synchrony.bind (formerly known as reza.bind) is the specific network interface that Synchrony listens on. It is unlikely that you will need to change this when Synchrony is managed by Confluence. In Confluence Data Center, when running a Synchrony standalone cluster this should be set to the same value as synchrony.cluster.bind.
From 6.0.4, Confluence Server will accept either reza.bind or synchrony.bind. 
6.0.0/synchronyThis is the context path for Synchrony. There should be no need to change this in Confluence Server, or when Synchrony is managed by Confluence.
6.0.0(number of cores)This property sets the number of concurrent PDF exports that can be performed. It defaults to the number of cores on your server or cluster node.
6.0.030This property sets the amount of time (in seconds) a new PDF export request should wait before failing, if the maximum number of concurrent PDF exports (set in confluence.pdfexport.permits.size) has already been reached.
6.0.380If the total characters in a table column heading exceeds the value of this property, Confluence will automatically adjust the width of the other table columns so that all columns will fit within one page when the page is exported to PDF.

This is the IP that Confluence uses to connect to Synchrony. It defaults to localhost. Change this if you need to allow Confluence to contact Synchrony via a custom hostname or IP address.

This property only applies when Synchrony is managed by Confluence. It has no effect on a Synchrony standalone cluster.

6.1.0falseThe Synchrony proxy health check is used to check whether the Synchrony proxy is running and responding to requests. It requires a http connection. If a http connector is not present in your server.xml (for example you're using a https or AJP connector) the health check will fail even if the Synchrony proxy is operational. You can use this system property to disable the health check if necessary.

Sets the maximum number of pages that the Page Index macro can display.  The Page Index macro can significantly slow down your Confluence instance and cause out of memory errors when used in a space with a large number of pages.  If the number of pages in the space exceeds this limit, the Page Index macro will show a page count, and a message that there are too many pages to display.

The default value of this property was reduced to 1000 in Confluence 7.11.


When a file is uploaded, its text is extracted and indexed. This allows people to search for the content of a file, not just the filename.

If the uploaded file is larger than the limit set by this property (default is 100MB, in bytes), text extraction and indexing will be skipped. See Configuring Attachment Size for more info.


When a file is uploaded, its text is extracted and indexed. This allows people to search for the content of a file, not just the filename.

Confluence will only extract content from an Excel spreadsheet up to the limit set by this property (default is 1MB, in bytes), before proceeding to index it. This will mean that only part of file's contents are searchable. See Configuring Attachment Size for more info.


Applying image effects to large images can cause out of memory errors. We prevent users from applying image effects to images with a data size greater than 16MB.

Set this property, in bytes, to reduce the maximum data size. Note: this is the data size, not the size of the file on disk. 


Applying image effects to large images can cause out of memory errors. We prevent users from applying image effects to images larger than 4000x4000 pixels.

Set this property, in pixels, to change the maximum image dimensions. 

6.3.012When collaborative editing is enabled, this sets the maximum number of users that can simultaneously edit a page. Reduce this number if you experience degraded performance when many people are editing.

The Purge Old Job Run Details scheduled job deletes details of old scheduled jobs from the database in batches.

Set this property to change the number of records to remove in each batch.

By default, the Purge Old Job Run Details scheduled job deletes details of successful scheduled jobs older than 90 days (or 2160 hours).

Set this property, to change number of hours to keep details of successful jobs in the database.

By default, the Purge Old Job Run Details scheduled job deletes details of unsuccessful (failed or aborted) scheduled jobs older than 7 days (or 168 hours).

Set this property, to change number of hours to keep details of unsuccessful jobs in the database.

6.5.0FalseSet this property to true if you want to hide details on the error screen that appears in the browser when Confluence can't start up. This can be useful for public-facing sites, where you may not want to display details of the problem.

Allows an administrator to start Confluence in recovery mode and specify a temporary administrator password. This is useful if the administrator is locked out of the instance after a site import, or cannot reset their password by other methods. See Restore Passwords To Recover Admin User Rights for more information.

This system property must be removed immediatley after the admin account has been recovered or a new admin account created.

10000Set this property to change the maximum number of people the User List macro can display. This macro is known to cause out of memory errors when attempting to display a very large number of users.  
(formerly document.conversion.sandbox.pool.size)

Use this property to increase the number of processes (sandboxes) in the external process pool. More processes means more tasks can be executed in parallel, but will consume more memory and CPU resources on each node. 

This property only applies to Data Center. This property was renamed in Confluence 6.12.

(formerly document.conversion.sandbox.startup.time.limit.secs)

When a document file is inserted into a page, thumbnails are generated of its contents, so it can be viewed inline and previewed. In Confluence Data Center this is handled by the external process pool

This property sets the amount of time (in seconds) that a process will wait for document conversion to start, before terminating the process.

This property only applies to Data Center. This property was renamed in Confluence 6.12.


When a document file is inserted into a page, thumbnails are generated of its contents, so it can be viewed inline and previewed. In Confluence Data Center this is handled by the external process pool

This property sets the amount of time (in seconds) that a process will wait for document conversion to complete, before terminating the process, and marking thumbnail generation for that file as failed. 

This property only applies to Data Center.

From Confluence 7.8.0 this property also applies to the HTML conversion that occurs when you insert a file using the Office Word or Office Excel macro. 


This property specifies how often a process in the external process pool will check if the request time limit (set in the request.time.limit.secs property above) has been exceeded. It's calculated by dividing the request time limit by the value of this property. For example, if the request time limit is 30 seconds, and the tolerance set in this property is 5, the process will check if the request time limit has been exceeded every 6 seconds. 

This property only applies to Data Center.

(formerly document.conversion.sandbox.memory.limit.megabytes)

When a document file is inserted into a page, thumbnails are generated of its contents, so it can be viewed inline and previewed. In Confluence Data Center this is handled by the external process pool  

This property limits the amount of heap memory each process in the external process pool can consume. 

This property only applies to Data Center. This property was renamed in Confluence 6.12.


Use this property to change the logging level of document conversion in the external process pool to WARNING, INFO, or FINE. This is useful if you need to troubleshoot a problem with the sandbox.

This property only applies to Data Center.


This property sets how often (in milliseconds) document conversion errors are captured for diagnostic purposes. 

This property only applies to Data Center.


Set this property to true if you don't want to handle document conversion (thumbnail generation) in the external process pool .

When disabled, document conversion will be handled in the Confluence JVM, as is the case in Confluence Server.

This property only applies to Data Center.

When a document or image file is inserted into a page, thumbnails are generated of its contents, so it can be viewed inline and previewed. In Confluence Data Center this is handled by the external process pool. 

Use this property to override the default value of any of the following Confluence Server system properties (introduced in 7.0.1), and pass new values directly to the JVMs in the external process pool:

  • confluence.document.conversion.imaging.convert.timeout
  • confluence.document.conversion.imaging.convert.timeout
  • confluence.document.conversion.imaging.enabled.tif
  • confluence.document.conversion.imaging.enabled.psd

Set this property to change how often operating system diagnostics checks should be performed (in seconds).

This property only applies to the Low free memory (OS-1001) and Low free disk space (OS-1002) alerts.

This property applies to the free memory diagnostic alert (OS-1001).

Set this property to change the threshold at which the amount of free memory (in megabytes) should trigger this alert.

This property applies to the free disk space diagnostic alert (OS-1002).

Set this property to change the threshold at which the amount of free disk space (in megabytes) in the local or shared home directory should trigger this alert.


This property applies to the HTTP request diagnostic alert (HTTP-1001). This alert is disabled by default.

Set this property to change the threshold (in seconds) at which a slow HTTP request should trigger this alert.


This property applies to the long running task diagnostic alert (JOB-1001).

Set this property to change the threshold (in seconds) at which a long running task should trigger this alert.


This property applies to the macro rendering diagnostic alert (MACRO-1001). This alert is disabled by default.

Set this property to change the threshold (in seconds) at which rendering a macro on a page should trigger this alert.


Set this property to change how often JVM diagnostics checks should be performed (in seconds).

This property only applies to the Thread memory allocation rate (JVM-1001) and Garbage collection ( JVM-1002)alerts.


This property applies to the thread memory allocation rate diagnostic alert (JVM-1001). This alert is disabled by default.

Set this property to change the threshold (as a percentage) at which the memory allocation to a particular thread, during the monitoring period (set in diagnostics.jvm.memory.allocation.monitoring.period.secs), should trigger this alert.


This property applies to the thread memory allocation rate diagnostic alert (JVM-1001). This alert is disabled by default.

Set this property to change the monitoring period (in seconds) for this alert.


This property applies to the garbage collection diagnostic alert (JVM-1002). This alert checks how much memory has been allocated to garbage collection during the monitoring period (set in diagnostics.jvm.garbage.collector.monitoring.period.secs).

Set this property to change the threshold (as a percentage ) at which the memory allocated to garbage collection should trigger this alert.


This property applies to the garbage collection diagnostic alert (JVM-1002).

Set this property to change the monitoring period (in seconds) for this alert.

6.11.030Set this property to change how often diagnostic alert data should be retained in the database (in days).
6.11.030Set this property to change how often we check for, and remove diagnostic alert data that is older than 30 days (the limit set by diagnostics.alert.retention.period.days)

Set this property to true if you don't want to handle PDF exports in the external process pool.

When disabled, PDF exports will be handled in the Confluence JVM, as is the case in Confluence Server.

This property only applies to Data Center.


When you export a space to PDF, Confluence exports the content of each page to HTML, converts that HTML to PDF, and then finally merges all the pages together into a single PDF file. In Confluence Data Center this is handled by the  external process pool .

This property sets the amount of time (in seconds) that a process should wait to complete, before being terminated. This time limit applies both to the time to convert the content from HTML to PDF, and the time to merge the final PDF file.  

This property only applies to Data Center.


In Confluence Data Center PDF exports are handled by the  external process pool . 

This property sets the minimum memory (in megabytes) that a sandbox process must have available to start a PDF export. If conversion.sandbox.memory.limit.megabytes is set to less than the value of this property, PDF export will not start. We don't recommend setting this property to less than 64MB. 

This property only applies to Data Center.


This property changes the behavior of the Synchrony soft eviction scheduled job

It sets the minimum time, in hours, since a Synchrony change log was last modified, to make it eligible to be cleaned up.  By default, only Synchrony change logs last modified more than 3 days ago, for pages/blogs that do not have an active editing session, will be evicted. 


This property changes the behavior of the Synchrony hard eviction scheduled job

It sets the minimum age, in hours, of content eligible to be evicted by the hard eviction scheduled job. By default, all Synchrony data for any content that is 15 days or older will be evicted by this job, regardless of whether it has been modified more recently. 


When a complex image file (such as ICO, EMF, WMF, plus TIF and PSD if enabled)  is inserted into a page, thumbnails are generated of its contents, so it can be viewed inline and previewed. This process is known to cause out of memory errors for large or complex files.

This property sets the amount of time (in seconds) that Confluence will wait for conversion to complete for an image file, before terminating the process. 

This property applies to Confluence Server and Data Center. For Data Center also see Document conversion for Confluence Data Center


When a presentation file (such as PPT, PPTX, POT) is inserted into a page, thumbnails are generated of its contents, so it can be viewed inline and previewed. This process is known to cause out of memory errors for large or complex files.

This property sets the amount of time (in seconds) that Confluence will wait for conversion to complete for a presentation file, before terminating the process. 

This property applies to Confluence Serve and Data Center. For Data Center see Document conversion for Confluence Data Center.


When a file is inserted into a page, thumbnails are generated of its contents, so it can be viewed inline and previewed. By default thumbnails are not generated for TIFF / TIF as they're known to cause out of memory errors.

Set this property to 'true' to turn on thumbnail generation for TIFF files.

If enabled, a timeout will apply to this type of file. This is set by the confluence.document.conversion.imaging.convert.timeout system property. 

This property applies to Confluence Server and Data Center. For Data Center see Document conversion for Confluence Data Center


When a file is inserted into a page, thumbnails are generated of its contents, so it can be viewed inline and previewed. By default thumbnails are not generated for Photoshop PSD files as they're known to cause out of memory errors.

Set this property to 'true' to turn on thumbnail generation for PSD files. 

If enabled, a timeout will apply to this type of file. This is set by the confluence.document.conversion.imaging.convert.timeout system property. 

This property applies to Confluence Server and Data Center. For Data Center see Document conversion for Confluence Data Center.


When a file is uploaded, its text is extracted and indexed. This allows people to search for the content of a file, not just the filename.

Confluence will only extract content from a PowerPoint presentation up to the limit set by this property (default is 1MB, in bytes), before proceeding to index it. This will mean that only part of file's contents are searchable. See Configuring Attachment Size for more info.


Maximum width, in pixels, that a chart macro can be set to display on a page. If a higher value is entered, the chart will automatically be reduced to this default. 

7.2.03000Maximum height, in pixels, that a chart macro can be set to display on a page. If a higher value is entered, the chart will automatically be reduced to this default.

Set this property to change the behavior of the term filter in Confluence's Lucene based implementation of search. A bitset is only created when the number of matched documents times the threshold set in this property exceeds total number of documents. This will reduce memory usage and improve Confluence performance. You shouldn't need to change this threshold.

7.3.0200Confluence limits the number of pages that initially display at each level of the page tree. This helps safeguard the performance of your site. Set this property to increase or decrease the number of pages to initially display at each level of the page hierarchy. At least one child page is always displayed, so if you set the value to 10 for example, you may see 11 or 12 pages.
7.3.0falseConfluence limits the number of pages that initially display at each level of the page tree. This helps safeguard the performance of your site. Set this property to true  if you always want all pages to be displayed by default in the page tree.
7.3.320Sets the maximum uncompressed size, in megabtyes, of a Microsoft Word document that can be imported into Confluence using the Import from Word feature. This is to prevent very large files from causing out of memory errors. 

Some open-ended queries can take a long time to display when you Inspect Permissions in a Confluence Data Center site with a lot of spaces and users. To avoid this having an impact on your site, we have a timeout.

Set this property to change the length of the timeout, in seconds. You can't set this lower than 30 seconds, or higher than 900 seconds (15 minutes).

(formerly audit.log.view.sysadmin.only)

Set this property to true to restrict the Audit Log page in Confluence Administration to people with System Administrator global permissions. By default people with System Administrator or Confluence Administrator global permission can access this feature. This property applies to Confluence Server and Data Center.

This property was renamed in 7.7.0.


In Confluence Data Center, audit events are written to an audit log file in the local home directory. These log files are rotated once they reach the file size set by plugin.audit.file.max.file.size. 

Set this property to change the total number of audit log files to keep in the file system. 


In Confluence Data Center, audit events are written to an audit log file in the local home directory.

Set this property to change the maximum file size, in megabytes, that a log file can reach before the log is rotated.


Sets the number of threads to be used for migrating existing audit log events to the new audit log format when upgrading to Confluence 7.5 or later.

There is no default value. When not set, Confluence will use 2 times the number of processors available.

To increase throughput, you can set this property to use a specific number of threads. For example, if you set this property to 16, then 16 threads will be used to migrate the audit log events, regardless of the number of processors available. Note that more threads will result in higher database utilisation.


Sets the number of audit log events to migrate to the new audit log format, when upgrading to Confluence 7.5 or later. This migration can take a long time in large sites.

When testing your upgrade, if you find the migration is causing performance issue on your Confluence and/or database server, you can set this property to decrease the number of records processed in each batch.


Sets the number of items to be listed on the Undefined Pages and Restricted Pages tabs in Space Tools before Confluence paginates the results. 

Set this property to change the number of items to display per page. 


The Undefined Pages tab in Space Tools provides a list undefined links to pages that do not yet exist.  As this list can be quite memory intensive to generate, the results are cached. 

Set this property to change the maximum number of undefined link references to cache.
7.5.0(For example, 4)

The Children Display macro may load slowly in spaces with a large number of pages, or complex permissions. 

Set this property to specify the maximum number of top-level child pages that can be displayed by the macro. Users can still configure the macro to set a lower value for the Number of Children parameter. 

This property should not be required from Confluence 7.17 if you are using the faster permissions service. 

7.5.0(For example, 2)

The Children Display macro may load slowly in spaces with a large number of pages, or complex permissions. 

Set this property to specify the maximum depth of descendants that can be displayed by the macro. Users can still configure the macro to set a lower value for the Depth of Descendants parameter. 

This property should not be required from Confluence 7.17 if you are using the faster permissions service. 


The Children Display macro may load slowly in spaces with a large number of pages, or complex permissions. 

Set this property to true to never include excerpts. Users can still select a value for the Excerpt Display parameter, but excerpts will not be displayed. 

This property should not be required from Confluence 7.17 if you are using the faster permissions service. 


The Undefined Pages tab in Space Tools provides a list undefined links to pages that do not yet exist. As this list can be quite memory intensive to generate, the results are cached. 

Set this property to change the amount of time, in minutes, the results should be cached (time to live). 


When asynchronous events are generated faster than Confluence can process them, we write a message to the application log to advise that we'll process each task synchronously until the queue is cleared.

Set this property to change how often this message appears, in seconds.

This property is also available in the 7.4 Long Term Support release from 7.4.4.


Set this property to true if you need to disable TLS hostname verification for any SMTP mail servers you've configured in Confluence. This is not recommended as it can increase the risk of a Man In The Middle attack.

This property is also available in Long Term Support releases from 6.13.17 and 7.4.5.


Applying a drop shadow image effect to large images can cause out of memory errors. We prevent users from applying a drop shadow to images larger than 2000x2000 pixels, or the value set by atlassian.image_filter.transform.max.pixel (whichever is smallest).

Set this property, in pixels, to change the maximum image dimensions for drop shadow. 

This property is also available in the 7.4 Long Term Support release from 7.4.4.


The Page Properties Report macro displays a maximum of 3000 pages. Set this property to decrease the maximum number of pages the macro can display. We don’t recommend you increase this limit, as it can have a performance impact on your site.

This property is also available in the 7.4 Long Term Support release from 7.4.6.


Set this property to true allow administrators to configure localhost URLs as a webhook endpoint. This is disabled by default for security reasons because all ports on the same network can be pinged by the UI.


The audit log has a hard limit of 10 million records. This is to avoid performance problems and your database from growing too large.

Set this property to decrease or temporarily increase the hard limit. If you need to keep more events, the audit log can also write log events to a file. 

This property only applies to Data Center.

Set this property to true if you do not want to log the Search performed event in the audit log. This event is included by default when the End User Activity coverage area is set to Full, and records the search terms entered in search, advanced search, and in search macros (such as Livesearch and Page Tree Search). 

This property only applies to Data Center.


When a Word or Excel document file is inserted into a page using the Office Word or Office Excel macro, its contents are converted to a format that can be viewed inline and previewed.  In Confluence Data Center this is handled by the external process pool

This property limits the amount of heap memory, in megabytes, this process in the external process pool can consume. 

This property only applies to Data Center.


Personal access tokens are used to authenticate REST API requests. By default, any user can create a personal access token. 

Set this property to false to prevent users from creating tokens.  Any existing tokens can't be used to authenticate while this property is set to false

7.9.0truePersonal access tokens are used to authenticate REST API requests. Set this property false to prevent users from creating tokens that never expire.
7.9.0365Personal access tokens are used to authenticate REST API requests. Set this property, in days, to define the maximum days to until expiry.
7.9.010Personal access tokens are used to authenticate REST API requests. Set this property to limit the number of tokens an individual user can create.

Set this property to true to use the os_username+os_password query parameter to log in to Confluence.

This login method is blocked by default, and we strongly recommend you use a more secure method, such as personal access tokens.


The max number of worker threads used by Team Calendars.

This property only applies to Data Center.


If set to false integrating calendars with Jira sprints is disabled.

This property only applies to Data Center.


Timeout in milliseconds for calendars to connect to Jira. Increasing this may help if you experience timeouts on Jira calendars.

This property only applies to Data Center.


The maximum number of events that will be loaded from a Jira calendar. Increasing this may cause performance issues.

This property only applies to Data Center.

The maximum number of calendar events that will be shown per day on the upcoming events view on the Confluence dashboard.

This property only applies to Data Center.

The maximum number of events that can be displayed from a single calendar.

This property only applies to Data Center.
7.11.03The maximum number of events that will be shown per day in the summary email.

The maximum number of calendar events that will be shown in total in the daily summary email.

This property only applies to Data Center.

The maximum number of calendar events that will be shown in total in the weekly summary email.

This property only applies to Data Center.


The maximum number of months that will be shown in the timeline view of a calendar.

This property only applies to Data Center.

Specifies whether embedded line breaks should be preserved in the output files. Line breaks can be problematic for some tools such as Hadoop.

This property is set to False by default, which means that line breaks are escaped.
7.12.0\\nEscaping character for embedded line breaks. By default, we'll print \n for every embedded line break.

Confluence calculates the number of threads to be used when reindexing attachments based on either the number of available CPUs or free memory, whichever is lower. See reindex.attachments.thread.count for more details. 

Set this property to change the amount of free memory per thread (in megabytes) used in this calculation. Reducing this value may result in more threads being used during reindexing, which allows for greater concurrency. 


This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to disable the ability to authenticate using access tokens on that node.


This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to disable the HTTPS requirement for the base URL. When disabled, the OAuth 2.0 provider will be enabled even if the product is using HTTP.


This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to disable the HTTPS requirement for the Redirect URL. When disabled, the OAuth 2.0 provider will allow Redirect URLs using HTTP.


This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to change the amount of time, in seconds, a request will await lock access before timing out.


This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to change the maximum lifetime of authorization codes, in seconds. The limit is 600 seconds.

7.17.0* * * * * ?

This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to change the cron expression for the job that removes expired authorization codes. Default is 1 minute.

7.17.03600 (1 hour)

This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to change the maximum lifetime of access tokens, in seconds.

7.17.0* * * * * ?

This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to change the cron expression for the job that removes expired access tokens. Default is 1 minute.


This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behaviour when linking to another application.

Set this property to change the maximum lifetime of refresh tokens, in seconds. Default is 90 days (in seconds).


This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behaviour when linking to another application.

Set this property to change whether to invalidate a session after a successful authentication using an OAuth token.


This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behaviour when linking to another application.

Set this property to change whether to validate the client ID and client secret when revoking and creating tokens.

This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to change whether to add quotes to SQL statements. This is a sanity system property used for database requirements.

PostgreSQL will always use quotes unless the property (below) is enabled.

This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to change whether to add quotes to SQL statements. This is a sanity system property used for database requirements.


This property changes the OAuth 2.0 behavior when linking to another application.

Set this property to change whether to extract tokens through the basic authentication password field for access token authentication.

Last modified on Jun 15, 2022

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