Deleting your Atlassian Account when you are the Billing or Technical Contact

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Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.


Atlassian allows deletion of personal data in coordination with GDPR and other regulations. This page describes some of the configurations required to enable that deletion.

About Billing and Technical Contacts

Atlassian blocks deletion of personal data for main billing contacts and main technical contacts so as to ensure that customers can maintain a business relationship without losing access. If you’re an individual user who’s also the primary technical or billing contact for a site and you want to delete your Atlassian account, you’ll need to either assign another person to be the primary technical or billing contact, or delete your site. 

Option 1: Change the main billing or main technical contact for your site(s)

The easiest option to maintain continuity is to transfer contact from yourself to another appropriate contact within your organization. See How do I update the Billing and Technical Contacts for my Atlassian products? for a procedure on adding contacts.

Note that the new contact will need to log in to make themselves the primary contact in order to complete the process.

Once this is complete, you can delete your profile at Details on the deletion are described at Delete your account.

Option 2: Delete your site(s)

Follow these steps:

  1. For the appropriate product:

    1. Cancel your site subscription (Jira or Confluence).

    2. Delete your account (Bitbucket).

    3. Unsubscribe from Atlassian Access (Access). Note that currently additional support is required for Access subscriptions. Please contact support (see below).

  2. Return to delete your Atlassian Account.

There are built-in delays for both processes above. Your site subscription will be terminated at the end of the current billing cycle, which may require waiting 60 days or 15 days for evaluations. This is outlined in our Data Storage FAQ (see What happens if I cancel my Atlassian product subscription?).

Additionally, the Atlassian Account deletion has a waiting grace period of 15 days. See delete your account for details.

Please contact support if you’d like to expedite either of these processes.

Option 3: Expedite with Atlassian Support

If you have a paid subscription and neither self-service option is appropriate for you, please contact support for assistance. File a support ticket at under “Personal Data and GDPR.” Our support team can help expedite a request after validating your eligibility and authentication. Please know we can only expedite Atlassian account deletion to the earliest of 15 days.

Last modified on Feb 14, 2025

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