Observations and data management
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Once you clean up your instance, you realize which areas need better data management. Maybe you need a better policy on custom field creation or you need to slim up the group of people who can create custom fields? Or maybe project managers need to put project and space archiving as a must-do point on their regular project flow cheat sheet?
Create a write-up of these most needed activities, establish guidelines for teams, and inform users about these best practices or process changes. Make sure teams understand the need for good site hygiene and be the guardian of it. Decide the following aspects:
How frequently are you going to audit your user groups?
What is the best criteria for granting permissions?
How often will you check for inactive users?
How can you monitor for new groups, projects, spaces, or repositories?
You may be able to use the audit log to see when new users, groups, projects, spaces and other things are created. Use the filters available on the auditing page to regularly check for those. This level of auditing is available in:
- Jira Data Center 8.8 and later
- Confluence Data Center 7.5 and later
- Bitbucket Data Center 7.0 and later
- How can you automate monitoring and cleanup activities?
Automation might not necessarily mean employing scripts. Sometimes, organizing a recurring cleanup meeting is a good start.
With good data management in place your regular cleanups will take hours not days and will require less effort.
We view the process in the following way: