JohnsonHttpRequestHandlerServlet message in the Bitbucket Server log
The following appears in the atlassian-bitbucket.log
c.a.j.s.w.c.s.JohnsonHttpRequestHandlerServlet HttpRequestHandlerServlet [scmServlet] cannot be initialised to service an incoming request; redirecting to /unavailable
To replicate this issue in a test environment at will do the following:
- Have a remote repository defined as Bitbucket Server on your system (or modify the shell scripts below to use an appropriate remote name)
- Clear out all the old logs from
- Bitbucket Server is running on a *nix style OS. If running on Windows change the shell script to appropriately configured batch files
- Bitbucket Server is running
Create one of the following shell scripts:
for i in {1..150000}
echo Fetching from bitbucket
git fetch bitbucket
for i in {1..150000}
echo Pulling from bitbucket
git pull bitbucket
(chmod +x
the .sh file to make it executable)
Open two terminal windows to the server.
- In Terminal Window A (TWA) start the shell script that you created.
- In Terminal Window B (TWB) stop Bitbucket Server
- In TWA note that you will start getting "connection refused" messages
- In TWB start Bitbucket Server
- In TWA the connection refused messages will stop and you will start to get errors saying something about "not valid: is this a git repository". Eventually the messages will return to Fetching/Pulling from Bitbucket Server. At this point you can stop the shell script (control-c) and then review the
These warning messages are a result of git fetch
or git pull
commands that are being sent to the the Bitbucket Server instance while Bitbucket Server is stopping\starting and is not in a state that it can actually process the requests
These messages in the log can be safely ignored