Bundled ElasticSearch Windows service fails on switching to use Java 11

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When the bundled Elasticsearch instance is switched to use Java 11 through editing the service's configuration, the service fails to start and the following error is thrown in the System section of the Windows Event Viewer:

The Atlassian Bitbucket Elasticsearch <VERSION> (AtlassianBitbucketElasticsearch) service terminated with the following service-specific error: 
The system cannot open the file.


The Windows Service is configured to use Java Options that are specific to Java 8. See BSERV-11986 for additional details.


Remove the following entries from the Java Options section of the Java tab in the Elasticsearch Windows Service configuration window:

  • (info) Adding back the following Java options will retain the ability to log GC activity:
    • -Xlog:safepoint,gc*,gc+age*=trace:file=<PATH_TO_GC_LOGS>:time:filecount=32,filesize=64m

Last modified on Sep 30, 2019

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