Unicode characters from a Windows console are not displayed correctly in Bamboo build logs

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Unicode characters (such as Korean characters) from a Windows console (e.g. cmd.exe or Powershell script output from a Script Task) don't display correctly. They display as question marks or other unknown characters instead even after setting the Bamboo (or remote agent) JVM to UTF-8 encoding:



  • Windows


  1. Ensure that the Bamboo (or remote agent that the build is running on) JVM has been correctly set to UTF-8 by following the instructions in the below knowledge-base article:
    1. How to change the wrong encoding in Bamboo that is causing crashes or characters to display incorrectly
  2. Set either the codepage for cmd.exe or the OutputEncoding for Powershell to Unicode before running further commands. E.g.

    1. cmd.exe

      chcp 65001
    2. Powershell

      [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

Last modified on Nov 2, 2018

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