Subversion problems with Solaris patch level less than 137138-09

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Plans stuck in "updating source control" state on Solaris.


At some stage during the SVN checkout an identical Bamboo process is started as a child of the original process to run the checkout process. It seems that both processes stall on a UNIX file operation. They seem to compete for the same file - see $lsof output.

Two identical bamboo processes during svn checkout
$ ps
0 S psulliva 4232 1 0 40 20 ? 74699 ? 16:32:49 pts/98 13:55 java -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermS
0 S psulliva 6690 4232 0 99 39 ? 74903 ? 16:38:30 pts/98 0:00 java -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermS
Compete for the same file and stall
$ lsof
java 4232 psullivan txt VREG 85,3 110748 4923 /var/tmp/jna40975.tmp
java 6690 psullivan txt VREG 85,3 110748 4923 /var/tmp/jna40975.tmp


Upgrade Solaris to patch level 137138-09 or 137137-09 to solve this forking/competing problem.


Last modified on Jun 27, 2013

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