Git LFS pull hangs indefinitely in Bamboo with Git LFS 2.6.0

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Git LFS pull hangs indefinitely in Bamboo when the repository has > ~100 LFS objects and the build eventually fails after reaching the Git command timeout (default 180 minutes).



  • Git LFS 2.6.0 client is installed on the Bamboo Server (local agent) or Remote Agent performing the build.

Diagnostic Steps

With verbose Git logging enabled in Bamboo: Edit Repository >> Advanced Options >> Enable verbose logging the build hangs at the below line in the build log:

simple	29-Nov-2018 17:32:16	/usr/bin/git remote set-url origin ssh://d0cbc387-4ab8-444a-81bd-19700ad67444@
simple	29-Nov-2018 17:32:16	/usr/bin/git lfs pull
command	29-Nov-2018 17:39:12	Request to stop 'LFS-LFS2-JOB1-5' received from charlie
simple	29-Nov-2018 17:39:12	/usr/bin/git remote set-url origin file:///var/bamboo-home/main/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache/e8904ea3b8469d750cc8e102ce3b1f91ae7fb3ba

strace -p <pid> of the Git LFS pull shows the process is stuck in a FUTEX_WAIT loop:

[pid  2331] 17:34:04.472561 nanosleep({0, 20000}, NULL) = 0
[pid  2331] 17:34:04.472903 futex(0xce2530, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 0, {60, 0}) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
[pid  2331] 17:35:04.473506 nanosleep({0, 20000}, NULL) = 0
[pid  2331] 17:35:04.473956 futex(0xce2530, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 0, {60, 0}


There's an issue with Git LFS 2.6.0 that causes problems when pulling from a clone with Git alternates --shared or --reference and this is how Bamboo leverages benefits of it's local Git cache:


If using remote agents, you can disable repository caching at Edit Repository >> Advanced Options >> Enable repository caching on remote agents which will workaround the issue (not recommend as the repository cache is very beneficial to speed up repository operations, reducing load on your repository server and network).


Upgrade to a fixed version of Git LFS, 2.6.1 and above:


Git LFS pull hangs indefinitely in Bamboo when the repository has > ~100 LFS objects and the build eventually fails after reaching the Git command timeout (default 180 minutes).

Last modified on Dec 6, 2018

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