Find how many plans use each type of repository
To know how many plans use each type of repository, you can run this SQL query:
SELECT vl.plugin_key AS repository_type, COUNT(vl.plugin_key) AS plans_sum
FROM plan_vcs_location AS pvl
JOIN vcs_location AS vl ON pvl.vcs_location_id = vl.vcs_location_id
JOIN build AS b ON b.build_id = pvl.plan_id
JOIN project AS p ON b.project_id = p.project_id
GROUP BY repository_type
ORDER BY total_of_plans DESC;
Sample Result
com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.system.repository:svn | 2 |
com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.atlassian-bamboo-plugin-git:git | 1 |
Last modified on Nov 29, 2016
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