Customizing the color of Bamboo banner

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This KB is deprecated

This KB article has been deprecated since the introduction of customised headers in Bamboo 7.0.0 via  BAM-13311 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Please continue using the instructions below in case you are running a Bamboo version earlier than 7.0.


  1. This is a customization, and as such, it is not included in the Atlassian Support Offerings.
  2. This was tested in Bamboo 6.10.4. It may not work in other Bamboo versions
  3. This customization will be removed when you upgrade Bamboo to a later version. You will need to redo the customization.
  1. Open <bamboo-install>/atlassian-bamboo/fragments/decorator/header.ftl and search for the below:

    [#function headerItems headerSection activeKey=""]
        [#local webFragmentsContext = ctx.getWebFragmentsContextMapNoAction(req) /]
        [#local output]
            [#list ctx.getDynamicWebItemsForSectionNoAction(headerSection, req) as webItem]
                [#local webItemKey = adminMenu.getWebFragmentKey(webItem) /]
                [#local dropdownWebSections = ctx.getWebSectionsForLocationNoAction(webItem.section + '/' + webItemKey, req)! /]
                [#local triggerText = (webItem.label)!"" /]
                [#local triggerContents = '' /]
                [#local styleClass = (webItem.styleClass)! /]
                [#if styleClass?starts_with('aui-icon')]
                    [#local useIcon = true /]
                    [#local triggerContents]<span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small ${styleClass}">${triggerText?html}</span>[/#local]
                    [#local triggerText = '' /]
                    [#local triggerClass = 'aui-dropdown2-trigger-arrowless' /]
                    [#local useIcon = false /]
                    [#local triggerClass = styleClass /]
                <li id="system_${webItemKey?replace('.','_')}" [#if activeKey == webItemKey] class="selected"[/#if]>[#t]
                    [#if dropdownWebSections?has_content && dropdownWebSections?size gt 0]
                        ${soy.render("aui.dropdown2.dropdown2", {
                            "trigger": {
                                "content": triggerContents!'',
                                "text": triggerText!'',
                                "extraClasses": triggerClass!'',
                                "title" : (webItem.label)!'',
                                "showIcon": false
                            "menu": {
                                "id": adminMenu.getWebFragmentKey(webItem, true),
                                "content": renderDropdownSections(dropdownWebSections),
                                "extraClasses": "aui-style-default"
                        ${renderWebItem(webItem, useIcon)}[#t]
        [#return output /]


  2. Add the following piece of code in a new line after [#local output] (changing #cc0099 by the color of your choice):

    <script type="text/javascript">
        (function ($) {
            $(".aui-header").css("background-color", "#cc0099")
  3. As a result, the function should look like this:

    [#function headerItems headerSection activeKey=""]
        [#local webFragmentsContext = ctx.getWebFragmentsContextMapNoAction(req) /]
        [#local output]
        <script type="text/javascript">
                (function ($) {
                $(".aui-header").css("background-color", "#cc0099")
            [#list ctx.getDynamicWebItemsForSectionNoAction(headerSection, req) as webItem]
                [#local webItemKey = adminMenu.getWebFragmentKey(webItem) /]
                [#local dropdownWebSections = ctx.getWebSectionsForLocationNoAction(webItem.section + '/' + webItemKey, req)! /]
                [#local triggerText = (webItem.label)!"" /]
                [#local triggerContents = '' /]
                [#local styleClass = (webItem.styleClass)! /]
                [#if styleClass?starts_with('aui-icon')]
                    [#local useIcon = true /]
                    [#local triggerContents]<span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small ${styleClass}">${triggerText?html}</span>[/#local]
                    [#local triggerText = '' /]
                    [#local triggerClass = 'aui-dropdown2-trigger-arrowless' /]
                    [#local useIcon = false /]
                    [#local triggerClass = styleClass /]
                <li id="system_${webItemKey?replace('.','_')}" [#if activeKey == webItemKey] class="selected"[/#if]>[#t]
                    [#if dropdownWebSections?has_content && dropdownWebSections?size gt 0]
                        ${soy.render("aui.dropdown2.dropdown2", {
                            "trigger": {
                                "content": triggerContents!'',
                                "text": triggerText!'',
                                "extraClasses": triggerClass!'',
                                "title" : (webItem.label)!'',
                                "showIcon": false
                            "menu": {
                                "id": adminMenu.getWebFragmentKey(webItem, true),
                                "content": renderDropdownSections(dropdownWebSections),
                                "extraClasses": "aui-style-default"
                        ${renderWebItem(webItem, useIcon)}[#t]
        [#return output /]
  4. Restart Bamboo
Last modified on Mar 16, 2022

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