Customizing the color of Bamboo banner
This KB is deprecated
This KB article has been deprecated since the introduction of customised headers in Bamboo 7.0.0 via BAM-13311 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Please continue using the instructions below in case you are running a Bamboo version earlier than 7.0.
- This is a customization, and as such, it is not included in the Atlassian Support Offerings.
- This was tested in Bamboo 6.10.4. It may not work in other Bamboo versions
- This customization will be removed when you upgrade Bamboo to a later version. You will need to redo the customization.
Open <bamboo-install>/atlassian-bamboo/fragments/decorator/header.ftl and search for the below:
[#function headerItems headerSection activeKey=""] [#local webFragmentsContext = ctx.getWebFragmentsContextMapNoAction(req) /] [#local output] [#list ctx.getDynamicWebItemsForSectionNoAction(headerSection, req) as webItem] [#local webItemKey = adminMenu.getWebFragmentKey(webItem) /] [#local dropdownWebSections = ctx.getWebSectionsForLocationNoAction(webItem.section + '/' + webItemKey, req)! /] [#local triggerText = (webItem.label)!"" /] [#local triggerContents = '' /] [#local styleClass = (webItem.styleClass)! /] [#if styleClass?starts_with('aui-icon')] [#local useIcon = true /] [#local triggerContents]<span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small ${styleClass}">${triggerText?html}</span>[/#local] [#local triggerText = '' /] [#local triggerClass = 'aui-dropdown2-trigger-arrowless' /] [#else] [#local useIcon = false /] [#local triggerClass = styleClass /] [/#if] <li id="system_${webItemKey?replace('.','_')}" [#if activeKey == webItemKey] class="selected"[/#if]>[#t] [#if dropdownWebSections?has_content && dropdownWebSections?size gt 0] ${soy.render("aui.dropdown2.dropdown2", { "trigger": { "id":!, "content": triggerContents!'', "text": triggerText!'', "extraClasses": triggerClass!'', "title" : (webItem.label)!'', "showIcon": false }, "menu": { "id": adminMenu.getWebFragmentKey(webItem, true), "content": renderDropdownSections(dropdownWebSections), "extraClasses": "aui-style-default" } })}[#t] [#else] ${renderWebItem(webItem, useIcon)}[#t] [/#if] </li>[#t] [/#list] [/#local] [#return output /] [/#function]
Add the following piece of code in a new line after [#local output] (changing #cc0099 by the color of your choice):
<script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { $(".aui-header").css("background-color", "#cc0099") })(AJS.$); </script>
As a result, the function should look like this:
[#function headerItems headerSection activeKey=""] [#local webFragmentsContext = ctx.getWebFragmentsContextMapNoAction(req) /] [#local output] <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { $(".aui-header").css("background-color", "#cc0099") })(AJS.$); </script> [#list ctx.getDynamicWebItemsForSectionNoAction(headerSection, req) as webItem] [#local webItemKey = adminMenu.getWebFragmentKey(webItem) /] [#local dropdownWebSections = ctx.getWebSectionsForLocationNoAction(webItem.section + '/' + webItemKey, req)! /] [#local triggerText = (webItem.label)!"" /] [#local triggerContents = '' /] [#local styleClass = (webItem.styleClass)! /] [#if styleClass?starts_with('aui-icon')] [#local useIcon = true /] [#local triggerContents]<span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small ${styleClass}">${triggerText?html}</span>[/#local] [#local triggerText = '' /] [#local triggerClass = 'aui-dropdown2-trigger-arrowless' /] [#else] [#local useIcon = false /] [#local triggerClass = styleClass /] [/#if] <li id="system_${webItemKey?replace('.','_')}" [#if activeKey == webItemKey] class="selected"[/#if]>[#t] [#if dropdownWebSections?has_content && dropdownWebSections?size gt 0] ${soy.render("aui.dropdown2.dropdown2", { "trigger": { "id":!, "content": triggerContents!'', "text": triggerText!'', "extraClasses": triggerClass!'', "title" : (webItem.label)!'', "showIcon": false }, "menu": { "id": adminMenu.getWebFragmentKey(webItem, true), "content": renderDropdownSections(dropdownWebSections), "extraClasses": "aui-style-default" } })}[#t] [#else] ${renderWebItem(webItem, useIcon)}[#t] [/#if] </li>[#t] [/#list] [/#local] [#return output /] [/#function]
- Restart Bamboo