Configuring a Source Control task

Source Control tasks is an umbrella term for all Repository tasks available in Bamboo. Source Control tasks allow you to quickly apply your changes to repositories. Source Control tasks work in deployment and build plans and they are fully configurable using Bamboo Specs. 

Bamboo provides support for Source Control tasks in the following repositories: 

  • Bitbucket Cloud
  • Bitbucket Server
  • Git

    Git LFS is supported for Source Code Checkout, Repository Commit, and Repository Push tasks.

  • Mercurial

Here is a list of Source Control tasks available in Bamboo: 



Source Code CheckoutTask for checking out (cloning) a remote repository. You can read more about this task in Checking out code.
Repository Commit

Available in Bamboo 6.7.1 and later.

Task capable of committing and pushing changes to a remote repository.

This task will take all modified files in repository directory, commit them with a given message, and then push them to the remote location.

In Bamboo 6.7.1 changes made through Repository Commit tasks were recorded by Bamboo and they triggered a plan.
in 6.7.2 changes made through this task type are still recorded but they don’t trigger any plan. Change detection simply ignores them.

Repository Push

Available in Bamboo 6.7.1 and later.

Task capable of pushing commits to a remote repository.

To be used in place of the VCS Commit task if the commits were already created and only the 'push' part is needed. The concept of push only exists in DVCS repositories.

Here are some use examples of the Repository Push task:

  • pushing commits created by other tasks over which the user has no control,

  • pushing custom commits (e.g. cryptographically signed or with a custom author),

  • pushing merge results,

  • transactional processing through your build (multiple commits with a single push at the end).

In Bamboo 6.7.1 changes made through Repository Push tasks were recorded by Bamboo and they triggered a plan.
in 6.7.2 changes made through this task type are still recorded but they don’t trigger any plan. Change detection simply ignores them.

Repository Branch (previously known as: VCS Branching)

Task capable of creating a branch and pushing it to a remote repository.

This task will create a new branch with specified name from the latest commit in the checkout directory. For Mercurial, it will create a new commit "Creating branch...".

Cannot be used with the Git implementation embedded in Bamboo. (You need to have set up native Git).

Repository Tag (previously known as: VCS Tagging)

Task capable of creating a tag and pushing it to a remote repository.

This task will create a new tag with specified name for the latest commit in the checkout directory. For Mercurial, it will create a new commit "Adding tag...".

Cannot be used with the Git implementation embedded in Bamboo. (You need to have set up native Git).

Last modified on Dec 15, 2021

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