Sprints Disappeared After The Upgrade Troubleshooting Guide
Sprints disappear from JIRA Agile after performing the upgrade for JIRA or JIRA Agile
Areas to check when you hit into this problem:
- Filter shares: Make sure that the filter associated with the board is shared with your user
- Browse Project Permission: Make sure that your user has the Browse project permission
- Indexing: Perform indexing, as sometimes the problem may occur due to corrupted indexes
- Check whether the Sprints exists in the database, by running the following query, and check whether it will return the Sprints which have disappeared:
select * from "AO_60DB71_SPRINT";
If the Sprints exists in the database, and all the previous points seem to be set correctly in your JIRA instance, then contact raise a support ticket in https://support.atlassian.com/ and include the XML Backup of your JIRA instance and the $JIRA_HOME\plugins\installed-plugins directory.
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Last modified on Sep 24, 2020
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