How to use Jira's index analyzer to fix index inconsistencies

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Platform Notice: Data Center - This article applies to Atlassian products on the Data Center platform.

Note that this knowledge base article was created for the Data Center version of the product. Data Center knowledge base articles for non-Data Center-specific features may also work for Server versions of the product, however they have not been tested. Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


In Jira 8.4, the index analyzer endpoint (/rest/indexanalyzer/1/state?maxResults=XXXX implemented in JRASERVER-69942 - As an JIRA Administrator I want check Lucene Index and Issues consistency) can bring us the issues in the following states:

  • Index orphan - issue present only in index, should be removed
  • DB orphan - issue present only in database, should be added to index
  • Outdated issue - if issue in index is not the same as in database
  • OK issue - if issues is the same in index and database
  • Archived issue - if issue is archived

In later versions, a healing endpoint (/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal) was introduced, so we can fix the issues automatically: JRASERVER-76343 - Extend index analyzer with index fixing capability

(info) The indexanalyzer endpoint runs a per-node index analysis/fix. For full analysis or healing results, the endpoint should be called in each node.


Jira 9.12.0, 9.11.1, 8.20.27, 9.4.11


As an example, let's suppose a Jira node has:

  • One issue missing from the index (DB orphan)
  • One deleted issue present only in the index/searches (index orphan)
  • One outdated issue.

If we call the index analyzer endpoint (/rest/indexanalyzer/1/state?maxResults=10), we'll get a result like this:

    "indexOrphans": [
            "issueId": 10101,
            "lastUpdated": 1528706295000
    "dbOrphans": [
            "issueId": 10306,
            "lastUpdated": 1529308219425
    "outdatedIssueData": [
            "issueId": 10102,
            "dbLastUpdated": 1528706225000,
            "indexLastUpdated": 1528706405655
    "okCount": 72,
    "outdatedCount": 1,
    "indexOrphansCount": 1,
    "dbOrphansCount": 1,
    "lastAnalyzeTimestamp": 1529308274757,
    "indexHealth": 97.297295


There could be multiple causes for such issues, like:

  • Replication problems (most likely);
  • Transaction rollback issues in post-functions;
  • Direct DB manipulation


Call a POST request to the endpoint /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal
The maxResults input defaults to 100, and allows a maximum of 1000 issues to be fixed.

Here's an output example in which 20 issues shouldn't be in the index:

    "analyzeBeforeResult": {
        "indexOrphans": [
                "issueId": 10001,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515196000
                "issueId": 10003,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515195000
                "issueId": 10004,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515198000
                "issueId": 10005,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515195000
                "issueId": 10006,
                "lastUpdated": 1705434794000
                "issueId": 10007,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515196000
                "issueId": 10200,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515196000
                "issueId": 10201,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515194000
                "issueId": 10009,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515195000
                "issueId": 10010,
                "lastUpdated": 1705099512000
                "issueId": 10202,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515196000
                "issueId": 10011,
                "lastUpdated": 1705176612000
                "issueId": 10203,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515198000
                "issueId": 10204,
                "lastUpdated": 1710528950000
                "issueId": 10015,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515194000
                "issueId": 10016,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515198000
                "issueId": 10400,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515057000
                "issueId": 10023,
                "lastUpdated": 1705437162000
                "issueId": 10100,
                "lastUpdated": 1705951944000
                "issueId": 10101,
                "lastUpdated": 1710515198000
        "dbOrphans": [],
        "outdatedIssueData": [],
        "okCount": 12,
        "outdatedCount": 0,
        "indexOrphansCount": 20,
        "dbOrphansCount": 0,
        "lastAnalyzeTimestamp": 1710788040307,
        "indexHealth": 100.0
    "analyzeBeforeTimeMillis": 13,
    "healerResult": {
        "reindexedDbOrphansSuccessful": {
            "count": 0,
            "ids": []
        "reindexedDbOrphansFailed": {
            "count": 0,
            "ids": []
        "reindexedOutdatedIssuesSuccessful": {
            "count": 0,
            "ids": []
        "reindexedOutdatedIssuesFailed": {
            "count": 0,
            "ids": []
        "deindexedIndexOrphansSuccessful": {
            "count": 20,
            "ids": [
        "deindexedIndexOrphansFailed": {
            "count": 0,
            "ids": []
    "healTimeMillis": 53,
    "analyzeAfterResult": {
        "indexOrphans": [],
        "dbOrphans": [],
        "outdatedIssueData": [],
        "okCount": 12,
        "outdatedCount": 0,
        "indexOrphansCount": 0,
        "dbOrphansCount": 0,
        "lastAnalyzeTimestamp": 1710788040387,
        "indexHealth": 100.0
    "analyzeAfterTimeMillis": 25

Here's the atlassian-jira.log file output in the node:

2024-03-18 15:54:00,308-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Reindexing 0 of 0 issues missing from the index
2024-03-18 15:54:00,310-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Done reindexing issues missing from the index
2024-03-18 15:54:00,310-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Reindexing 0 of 0 issues outdated in the index
2024-03-18 15:54:00,310-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Done reindexing issues outdated in the index
2024-03-18 15:54:00,310-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing 20 of 20 issues absent from the database
2024-03-18 15:54:00,310-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10001
2024-03-18 15:54:00,346-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10003
2024-03-18 15:54:00,348-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10004
2024-03-18 15:54:00,349-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10005
2024-03-18 15:54:00,349-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10006
2024-03-18 15:54:00,349-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10007
2024-03-18 15:54:00,350-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10200
2024-03-18 15:54:00,351-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10201
2024-03-18 15:54:00,352-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10009
2024-03-18 15:54:00,352-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10010
2024-03-18 15:54:00,352-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10202
2024-03-18 15:54:00,354-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10011
2024-03-18 15:54:00,354-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10203
2024-03-18 15:54:00,355-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10204
2024-03-18 15:54:00,356-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10015
2024-03-18 15:54:00,356-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10016
2024-03-18 15:54:00,356-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10400
2024-03-18 15:54:00,356-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10023
2024-03-18 15:54:00,357-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10100
2024-03-18 15:54:00,358-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Deindexing issue, issueId=10101
2024-03-18 15:54:00,360-0300 http-nio-49122-exec-15 url: /j9122/rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal; user: agandelman INFO agandelman 954x207x1 3vi0d2 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 /rest/indexanalyzer/1/heal [c.a.j.p.indexanalyzer.impl.DefaultIndexHealer] Done deindexing issues absent from the database

Last modified on Jan 28, 2025

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