How to remove Application Link (AppLinks) via REST API
Unable to add add-on via UPM due to the Application Link still remaining after a previous installation or want to programatically remove an Application Link without accessing JIRA UI.
Each application link is identified via the following REST call. Run this curl command to identify the Application Links available:
curl -s -X GET -u <user>:<pass> -H "Accept: application/json" <hostname>/rest/applinks/1.0/listApplicationlinks | python -mjson.tool
In this example we will try to remove the JIRA application link with the id from the example above: 2841b105-5904-3c0a-9710-1ff26ae88206
The profile used for the deletion does require 'jira-administrators' permission
curl -X DELETE -u <username>:<password> -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:8080/rest/applinks/1.0/applicationlink/2841b105-5904-3c0a-9710-1ff26ae88206
{"message":"Deleted application with id '2841b105-5904-3c0a-9710-1ff26ae88206'","status-code":200}
A successful deletion will always return a 200 message code.
Reviewing the Application Links in the UI via {JIRA Home}/plugins/servlet/applinks/listApplicationLinks will confirm the removal of the Application Link.