How to find which Custom Field is provided by which App or Plugin in Jira

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Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


Several Apps (formerly known as Plugins) provide new custom field types for Admins to make use of and extend Jira functionalities.

As part of regular housekeeping, cleanup or App usage assessment an Admin may want to know which custom fields are available through which Apps. Like "if we were to uninstall this App, which custom fields would be impacted?".


All on-prem versions (Data Center and Server) of Jira Software and Jira Service Management.


You may accomplish this through a database query directly in Jira's DB.

Note : query the DB directly through a DB client — not through any app within Jira, as these apps often apply row count limitations and may not report the full picture.

select as "Custom Field Id", f.cfname as "Custom Field Name", p.pluginname as "App or Plugin Name", coalesce(p.pluginkey, p.pluginkey, f.customfieldtypekey) as "App or Plugin Key"
from customfield f
left join pluginversion p on lower(f.customfieldtypekey) like concat(lower(p.pluginkey), ':%')
where (p.pluginkey is null OR lower(p.pluginkey) not like 'com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.%') -- comment this for wider result
order by f.cfname; -- change the ordering as you see fit

We're basically joining the info from the customfield table to the pluginversion table. The "pluginkey" is expected to be present in the customfieldtypekey column.

You may remove line 4 above to show custom fields provided by Jira Core.

Example output
 Custom Field Id |       Custom Field Name        |                    App or Plugin Name                     |                       App or Plugin Key                        
           10112 | Approvals                      | Jira Service Management Approvals Plugin                  | com.atlassian.servicedesk.approvals-plugin
           10115 | Customer Request Type          | Jira Service Management                                   | com.atlassian.servicedesk
           10000 | Development                    | Atlassian Jira - Plugins - Development Integration Plugin | com.atlassian.jira.plugins.jira-development-integration-plugin
           10107 | Epic Colour                    | Jira Agile                                                | com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira
           10109 | Epic Link                      | Jira Agile                                                | com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira
           10105 | Epic Name                      | Jira Agile                                                | com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira
           10106 | Epic Status                    | Jira Agile                                                | com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira
           10113 | Linked major incidents         | Jira Service Management Incident Management Plugin        | com.atlassian.servicedesk.incident-management-plugin
           10201 | My Issue Picker                | Adaptavist ScriptRunner for JIRA                          | com.onresolve.jira.groovy.groovyrunner
           10116 | Organizations                  | Jira Service Management                                   | com.atlassian.servicedesk
           10104 | Original story points          | Advanced Roadmaps plans                                   | com.atlassian.jpo
           10101 | Parent Link                    | Advanced Roadmaps plans                                   | com.atlassian.jpo
           10110 | Rank                           | Jira Agile                                                | com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira
           10114 | Request participants           | Jira Service Management                                   | com.atlassian.servicedesk
           10117 | Satisfaction                   | Jira Service Management                                   | com.atlassian.servicedesk
           10118 | Satisfaction date              | Jira Service Management                                   | com.atlassian.servicedesk
           10108 | Sprint                         | Jira Agile                                                | com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira
           10103 | Target end                     | Advanced Roadmaps plans                                   | com.atlassian.jpo
           10102 | Target start                   | Advanced Roadmaps plans                                   | com.atlassian.jpo
           10100 | Team                           | Advanced Roadmaps Team Management                         | com.atlassian.teams
           10139 | Time to approve normal change  | Jira Service Management                                   | com.atlassian.servicedesk
           10138 | Time to close after resolution | Jira Service Management                                   | com.atlassian.servicedesk
           10137 | Time to first response         | Jira Service Management                                   | com.atlassian.servicedesk
           10136 | Time to resolution             | Jira Service Management                                   | com.atlassian.servicedesk
           10200 | issueFunction                  | Adaptavist ScriptRunner for JIRA                          | com.onresolve.jira.groovy.groovyrunner
(25 rows)

If the "App or Plugin Name" column above's empty, you may search for the prefix shown in "App or Plugin Key" in our List of Jira Server AO table names and vendors — aside from the tables provided by each App, it also informs the respective plugin key  which we're after.

A quick note on Jira's own application-provided fields, as they show up with their historical plugin name and key:

ApplicationApp or Plugin NameApp or Plugin Key
Jira Core

Custom Field Types & Searchers


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Jira Core's fields will only show up if you comment line 4 on the fist query (it filters out anything "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.").

Last modified on Jun 6, 2023

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