Creating a review from a URL

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You can set up a URL that you can then click to create a Crucible review.

The format of your URL is as follows:


The parameters are as follows:





The changeset ID. You can specify one or more, of the form //repo/csid  (where '%2F' is the URL-encoded form of is '/' )



The name of your repository.

Yes (unless supplied in the csid)


The title of your new Crucible review.



The description of your new Crucible review.



When you click the URL, you will be prompted to select the relevant projects if more than one project exists) in which to create your review. A new draft review will then be created, including the following information:

  • The content of the changeset becomes the content (i.e. files) to be reviewed.
  • The author of the changeset becomes the author of the review, if Crucible is aware of this user. Otherwise the creator of the review becomes the author.
  • The creator of the review becomes the moderator.
  • The commit log message is used as both the Title (unless you have explicitly defined a title in your URL) and Statement of Objective.

All aspects of the review can be changed. To edit any of the above settings, click the title to see the 'Edit details' screen. Or you can click the Manage Files tab.

The next step is to add reviewers.

Last modified on Mar 30, 2020

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